BRITER Encoders

BRITER is an encoder manufacturer. Some of our motors lacking absolute zero (e.g. MI CyberGear) can be used with BRITER encoders to achieve absolute zero.

Product Manuals

click here

Packet Structure

0x001 # [LEN] [ID] [FUNC] [DATA]

Useful Commands

Read encoder value from ID 1:

cansend can0 001#04010100

Set encoder ID 1 to 2:

cansend can0 001#04010202

Set bitrate of ID 1 to 1Mbps (remember to always set the bitrate to 1Mbps, all of our motors run at 1Mbps):

cansend can0 001#04010301

Set encoder ID 1 to automatic feedback mode:

cansend can0 001#040104AA

Set ID 1 automatic feedback interval to 1000ms:

cansend can0 001#050105E803

Set current position as zero (for ID 1):

cansend can0 001#04010600