# Getting Started ## Install ROS 2 Humble Please checkout [ROS documentation](https://docs.ros.org/en/humble/) on how to install ROS 2 Humble. ## Create a ROS workspace and clone It is generally recommended to create a workspace when working with ROS. ```bash mkdir -p meta_ws/src cd meta_ws/src git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/Meta-Team/Meta-ROS ``` ## Install all the dependencies The project dependencies can be easily installed with a single `rosdep` command. ```bash rosdep install -y --rosdistro humble --from-paths . --ignore-src ``` ## Compile the project ```bash colcon build --symlink-install ``` ## Run the sentry simulation The sentry robot is the baseline robot of this project, you can run a simulation in Gazebo Fortress with the `sentry.launch.py` launch file. ```bash ros2 launch meta_bringup sentry.launch.py enable_simulation:=true ``` Don't forget to source ROS setup script first ```bash source install/local_setup.bash ```